In September 2020, the first edition of the “Enterprising for Enterprising” (Przedsiębiorcze Przedsiębiorczym) charity campaign was launched. The main goal was to support women who start their own business. Women who took part in the program received the support of 3 experts in the field of: creating a business plan (business mentoring), planning promotion and PR activities and logo design.
Effects of the pandemic
According to the latest Eurofound report, women were hit hardest by the pandemic restrictions for a number of reasons. Eurostat data show that in the EU from the very beginning, between February and March, the unemployment rate among women increased from 6.7 to 7% (in the case of men it was an increase from 6.2 to 6.3%). A survey conducted by the Sukces Pisany Szminką Foundation also showed that every fifth respondent is afraid of losing a job, almost 12% have already lost it, and 10% do not know if it will not happen in the near future.
Experts and participants of the campaign “Enterprising for Enterprising”
The first specialist was Wioletta Wysokińska, who helps companies and their owners so that they can earn more by enjoying running their own business. An auditor, business development consultant, with 20 years of experience in finance, 10 years of experience as an entrepreneur, shareholder and president of the management board of a consulting company “Economic Consultant”. She teaches how to create a profitable business from scratch.
Marketing support was provided by Anna Goławska, who has been supporting large, medium and micro enterprises in the field of marketing and PR for over 9 years. She was responsible for coordinating the promotion of international conferences, introducing products to the polish market, brand rebranding and social campaigns. She runs a blog where, conducts interviews with experts from various industries.
The last of the experts of the “Enterprising for Enterprising” campaign, responsible for logotype projects for girls’ businesses, was me;)
Who were our participants?
The first one – Anna, decided to change her professional path and combine her hobby with work by providing pet sitting and animal behaviorist services.
Another is developing the Natura Love brand of natural soy candles. You can read more about Natalia in an interview with Anna Goławska on her blog.
Stage 1 – business mentoring
At the beginning of November, the first stage ended, in which the participants under the supervision of a business mentor, Wiola Wysokińska:
- developed a detailed action plan, preceded by an analysis of the market, competition, strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) to their business projects,
- created an offer, calculated prices of products and services, developed a customer acquisition system,
- have planned their income and expenses and their salary as well,
- get to know the system of work that increases the productivity and efficiency of business activities and allows to optimally use the time and focus on the results.
Stage 2 – marketing strategy
Then, supported by a marketing specialist – Anna Goławska, participants:
- received a marketing strategy proposal (divided into social media communication strategy, media relations strategy, image building strategy, reference acquisition strategy and promotional campaigns), taking into account the specificity of each of the represented industries (beauty and zoological industries),
- obtained information on the possibility of paid and free activities,
- received practical advice on cooperation with the media and building a personal brand on the web,
- In addition, each of them had the opportunity to independently expand their knowledge and perform exercises included in Ania’s original e-book.
Stage 3 – logo
In the next, last stage, I helped the girls to develop a logo appropriate for their activities.

In the process, I took into account their aesthetics and their of brand. The analysis of the competition prepared by them and conclusions regarding potential recipients was also useful. The channels that the participants use or plan to use in the future and the materials they publish were also important to me.
I am looking forward to seeing the new Natalia logo on Natura Love candles;)
If you want to know how an efficient logotype design process should proceed, please refer to my previous article.
Finally, I would like to wish both participants of the “Enterprising for Enterprising” campaign success in their business activities!